Location: Guatemala

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Argentinean buses are awesome. Protests suck.

I thought we'd done it all. Chicken buses. Stinky people laying in and crowding the aisle buses. Bogged buses. It all added to my sense of adventure, but I much prefer our First Class bus experience to Iguazu Falls. With wine to accompany dinner, champagne for those who fancied for dessert, private television and a seat that reclined into a bed, it was bloody luxury (and a requirement for our 18 hour journey). I didn't even mind so much that we got delayed for 6 hours because of a protest (it was road works according to our bus driver) which stretched our journey out to 24 hours. With movies playing around the clock, who cares? Time flies. (I did mind slightly when I ran out of food and then they played 'The Scorpion King 2', but hey, as long as they're in English.)

Ps. Ignore my thong tan

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